Our Microsoft Azure Certification Master’s training course will certainly help you be a total Microsoft Azure Architect. As component of this Azure online classroom instruction, you will certainly likewise get formal training program product issued through Microsoft for Incorporating On-premises Identity Framework with Microsoft Azure, Establishing Microsoft Azure and Web Solutions’s, and also Establishing Microsoft Azure Solutions’s.
Microsoft Azure stores a substantial cooperate in the general social cloud market. It is a cloud service provider of option for best companies like Adobe, HP, Rolls Royce, as well as 3M Informatics. Acquiring Microsoft Azure licensed assists start an encouraging profession in the cloud computing space.
As soon as you accomplish this professional’s program, you will definitely acquire the course finalization certificate through Microsoft for:
Combining On-premises Identification Commercial Infrastructure with Microsoft Azure
Establishing Microsoft Azure as well as Web Services
Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions
This course is made to remove the trailing Microsoft Azure accreditations:
Assessment AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator
Assessment AZ-204: Building Solutions for Microsoft Azure
Examination AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Engineer Technologies
Examination AZ-304: Microsoft Azure Engineer Design
The whole course is in line with the above certification tests and also aids you obtain the greatest jobs in leading MNCs. As component of this training, you are going to be dealing with real-time ventures and also tasks that possess enormous implications in the real-world industry scenarios, thereby helping you fast-track your job easily. At the end of this particular training program, there will be actually a questions that perfectly shows the type of concerns asked in the certification examinations as well as assists you score better.
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1.1 Introduction to cloud computing
1.2 What is Microsoft Azure?
1.3 Microsoft Azure Services
1.4 Creating a Microsoft Azure Account
1.5 Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell
1.6 Managing Azure Resources & Subscriptions
1.7 Azure Resource Manager
1.8 Microsoft Azure Architecture
Hands-on Exercise:
1. Creating a Microsoft Azure account
2. Configuring Azure PowerShell
3. Configuring Azure CLI
2.1 Azure Resources & Subscriptions
2.2 Azure Resource Manager
2.3 Managing Azure Resources
2.4 Azure Tags
2.5 Azure Storage Account & its types
2.6 Azure Blob Storage
2.7 Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN)
2.8 Azure Files Storage
2.9 Azure File Sync
Hands-on Exercise:
1. Manage Resource Groups in Azure
2. Move resource from one resource group to another
3. Apply tags
4. Create storage account
5. Access storage account
6. Create blob storage
7. Upload in blob storage
8. Create a file share
9. Creating and using CDN Endpoint
3.1 Azure Table Storage
3.2 Azure Queue Storage
3.3 Azure Storage Explorer
3.4 Azure Shared Access Signature (SAS)
3.5 Azure Databox
3.6 Azure Storage Replication
3.7 Data Replication Options
3.8 Azure Import/Export Service
Hands-on Exercise:
1. Attach & Detach an External Storage Account
2. Storage explorer – Blob, file
3. queues and table storage
4. Backup-archive
5. Backup – Snapshots
6. Backup – AZCopy
7. Azure Shared Access Signature (SAS)
8. use Azure Data Factory Copy Data tool to transfer data to Azure
4.1 Azure Virtual Machines
4.2 Data Disks in Azure
4.3 Azure VMs & Interfaces
4.4 ARM templates
4.5 VHD templates
4.6 Custom Images of Azure VM
4.7 Virtual Machine Scale Sets
4.8 Virtual Machine Availability Sets
Hands-on Exercise:
1. Creating and Configuring an Azure VM
2. Deploying a custom image of Azure VM
3. Virtual Machine Scale Sets.
5.1 App Service Web App for Containers
5.2 App Service plan
5.3 Networking for an App Service
5.4 Deployment slots
5.5 Container image
5.6 Azure Kubernetes Service
5.7 Azure Container Registry
Hands-on Exercise:
1. Create an App Service Web App for Containers
2. Create a container image
3. configure Azure Kubernetes Service
4. publish and automate image deployment to the Azure Container Registry
6.1 Azure Virtual Networks
6.2 Azure Vnet Components
6.3 IP Address – Public & Private IPs
6.4 Azure Vnet Subnets
6.5 Azure Network Interface Cards (NIC)
6.6 Network Security Group (NSG)
6.7 Route Tables
6.8 Service Tags
6.9 Azure DNS
6.10 Private DNS
Hands-on Exercise:
1. Vnet creation
2. Create and configure vnet-vnet peering
3. Verify virtual network connectivity
4. Assign static IP to VM
5. Create route tables
6. Add routes
7. Create NIC
8. Attach NIC to VM
9. Create DNS
10. Add RecordSet
11. Create NSG
12. Add security rule to NSG
13. Attach NSG to subnet
14. Verify NSG is applied
7.1 Application Gateway
7.2 Azure Front Door Service
7.3 Azure Traffic Manager
7.4 Application Security Groups
7.5 Azure Load Balancers
7.6 Azure Firewall
7.7 Azure Bastion
7.8 Network Watcher
7.9 Azure Express Route
7.10 Express Route Circuits
7.11 Express Route Peering
Hands-on Exercise:
1. Create internal load balancer
2. Create Public load balancer
3. Application Gateway
4. Implement the Azure Front Door Service
5. implement Azure Traffic Manager
6. Deploy and configure Azure Bastion Service
8.1 Identity and Access Management in Azure
8.2 Role Based Access Management (RBAC)
8.3 Role Definitions
8.4 Role Assignment in Azure Resources
8.5 Azure Users & Groups
8.6 RBAC Policies
Hands-on Exercise:
1. Create a custom role for Azure Resources
2. Assign a role to configure access to Azure resources
9.1 Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
9.2 Windows AD Vs Azure AD
9.3 Azure AD Users
9.4 Azure AD Groups
9.5 Azure AD Domains
9.6 Azure AD Tenants
9.7 Authentication Options
9.8 Azure AD Connect
9.9 Self Service password Reset (SSPR)
9.10 Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)
9.11 Resource Locks
Hands-on Exercise:
1. Add or delete users using Azure Active Directory
2. Add or delete tenants using Azure Active Directory
3. Create a basic group and add members
4. Applying Resource Locks
10.1 Azure Monitor
10.2 Azure Metrics
10.3 Log Analytics
10.4 Alerts and actions
10.5 Application Insights
10.6 Backup reports
10.7 Recovery Services Vault
10.8 Backing Up Azure Virtual Machines
10.9 VM Backup Policies
10.10 Restoring Azure Virtual machines,
Hands-on Exercise:
1. configure and interpret azure metrics
2. configure Log Analytics
3. query and analyse logs
4. set up alerts and actions
5. create a Recovery Services Vault
6. Backing up and restoring a Virtual Machine
Project 1:
Problem: Implementing a new architecture to the company’s website based on the requirements given for application gateway, storage accounts and configuring traffic manager for the same
Topics covered:
Project highlights:
Project 2: building a dashboard to monitor your company’s website which is running on a web app.
Topics covered:
Project highlights:
Case Study 01: Introduction to Cloud computing
Problem Statement: Solving the issue of not wanting the corporation’s confidential data on the cloud while migrating to Microsoft Azure
Topics: Azure Resource manager, Azure subscriptions
1.1 Govern all resources separately
1.2 Tracking cost and billing of each service being used separately
1.3 Accessing and managing resource groups
Case Study 02: Microsoft Azure Storage
Problem Statement: Solving latency issues and difficulty accessing common files and tools
Topics: Azure storage account, Azure file share, CDN endpoint
2.1 Uploading static content to azure storage
2.2 Creating and configuring a CDN Endpoint to serve the static files that have
been uploaded
2.3 Creating an azure file share and uploading content in it
2.4 Connecting a Linux and Windows server to the File share
Case Study 03: Azure Virtual Machines
Problem Statement: Managing scaling requirements using scale sets and using custom image to create a Virtual machine
Topics: Virtual Machines, Custom images
3.1 Automating the scaling of Virtual Machines as required
3.2 Deploying multiple identical VMs using custom VM image
Case Study 04: Microsoft Azure networking
Problem Statement: Deploy a virtual network with multiple subnets in it and enable the resources within them to communicate privately
Topics: Virtual network, Vnet peering
4.1 Creating a Vnet with subnets and deploying Virtual Machines in it
4.2 Establishing a connection between these subnets
Case Study 05: Load balancing and Network watcher
Problem Statement: Setting up a load balancer and a network watcher in Azure portal
Topics: Azure load balancer, Network performance monitor
5.1 Deploying a load balancer for the backend resources such that a single frontend IP is exposed and all the web servers can be accessed from it
5.2 Setting up a Network performance manager to generate alerts
Case Study 06: Access management in Azure
Problem Statement: Providing access to some of the services managed by your organization’s active directory
Topics: Azure Active Directory, Azure Multi-Factor Authentication
6.1 Adding users in active directory and giving them access
6.2 Creating users in custom active directory domain and giving them access
6.3 Setting up a password authentication method
6.4 Setting up MFA with a verification option
Managing Azure subscriptions, assigning administrator permissions, configuring Azure subscriptions, utilizing and consuming Azure resources, analyzing alerts and metrics, configuring diagnostic settings, monitoring unused resources, utilizing Log Search query functions, viewing alerts in Log Analytics, managing resource groups, configuring resource locks and policies, moving resources across resource groups, Managed role-based access control (RBAC).
Creating and configuring storage accounts, installing Azure Storage Explorer, monitoring activity using Log Analytics, deploying Azure storage replication, exporting from and importing into Azure job, Azure Data Box, configuring blob storage, Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN), creating Azure file share and file sync, implementing Azure backup, creating Recovery Services Vault, configuring backup policy.
Configuring VM for Windows and Linux, configuring monitoring, networking, storage, deploying and configuring scale sets, modifying Azure Resource Manager (ARM), configuring VHD template, deploying Windows and Linux VMs, managing Azure VM, automate configuration management with PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC), managing VM sizes, moving VMs from one resource to another, managing VM backups, configuring VM backup, performing VM restore, Azure Site Recovery.
Creating connectivity between virtual networks, creating and configuring VNET peering, virtual network connectivity, creating virtual network gateway, implement and manage virtual networking, configuring private and public IP addresses, network routes and network interface, configuring name resolution, configuring Azure DNS, configuring private and public DNS zones, configuring Network Security Group (NSG), creating security rules; associating NSG to a subnet or network interface, implement Azure load balancer, monitor and troubleshoot virtual networking, integrate on premises network with Azure virtual network.
Implementing solutions with Virtual Machines (VM), provisioning VMs, creating ARM templates, configuring Azure Disk Encryption for VMs, deploying Azure batch jobs with Azure Batch Services, Batch Service API, running batch job with Azure CLI, Azure portals, Azure Batch Services batch job coding, creating containerized solutions, creating Azure Managed Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster, container images for solutions, publishing image to Azure Container Registry, running containers with Azure Container Instance.
Creating Azure App Service Web Apps, creating background task with WebJobs, enabling diagnostic logging, creating Azure App Service mobile apps, enabling mobile app offline sync, deploying mobile device remote instrumentation, Azure App service API apps, API documentation with open source tools, Azure function implementation, function input and output binding, function trigger with timer, webhooks and data operations, Azure Durable Functions, creating Azure Function apps with Visual Studio.
Developing solutions with storage tables, table policy implementation, using code to query table storage, deploying partitioning schemes, using Cosmo DB storage for solution development, data creation, read, update and delete with the right API, operations consistency level, developing solutions for relational databases, relational database configuration and provisioning, Azure SQL database elastic pool configuration, using code to create, read, update and delete data tables, developing solutions for blob storage, moving item between containers and storage accounts, deploying blob leasing, data archiving and retention.
Deploying authentication, using forms-based authentication, tokens, certificates, using Azure AD for Windows authentication, OAuth2 authentication, Managed Service Identity, Service Principle authentication, role-based and claims-based authorization, shared access signature, secure data solutions, decrypting and encrypting data in transit and rest, using KeyVault API for key creation and deletion.
Code development for apps and services scalability, autoscaling rules, handling transit faults with code, caching and content delivery integration with solutions, Azure Redis Cache data storage and retrieval, developing code for CDNs, invalidating cache content, support monitoring and logging solutions, deploying Application Insights for configuring app or service instrumentation, Azure Monitor for troubleshooting, Application Insight Web Test implementation and alerts.
Developing App Service Logic App, creating a Logic App, creating custom connector and custom template for Logic Apps, integrating Azure search in solutions, creating Azure search index, importing search data, querying Azure Search index, API Gateways, APIM instance, API authentication, API policies, event-based solution development, deploying solutions with Event Grid, Notification and Event Hub, developing message-based solutions, Azure Service Bus and Azure Queue Storage for solution implementation.
Project: Deploying an Industry-scale application in Azure App Services using the custom containers.
Industry: General
Problem Statement: Creating an application in Azure App Service, deploy the app in Azure App Service, configure your application into the container, open its SSH session in browser and troubleshoot the application.
Topics: In this Microsoft Azure Developer Certification Project, you will be working on building a Python and PostgreSQL application in Azure App service, then configure your application into the customized docker container.
Hands on: Creating a Microsoft Azure account, Configuring Azure PowerShell, Configuring Azure CLI
Hands on: Manage Resource Groups in Azure, Move resource from one resource group to another, Apply tags, Create storage account, Access storage account, Create blob storage, Upload in blob storage, Create a file share, Creating and using CDN Endpoint
Hands on: Attach & Detach an External Storage Account, Storage explorer – Blob, file, queues and table storage, Backup-archive, Backup – Snapshots, Backup – AZCopy, Azure Shared Access Signature (SAS), use Azure Data Factory Copy Data tool to transfer data to Azure
Hands on: Creating and Configuring An Azure VM, Deploying a custom image of Azure VM, Virtual Machine Scale Sets
Hands on: Create an App Service Web App for Containers, create a container image, configure Azure Kubernetes Service, publish and automate image deployment to the Azure Container Registry
Hands on: Vnet creation, Create and configure vnet-vnet peering, Verify virtual network connectivity, Assign static IP to VM, Create route tables, Add routes, Create NIC, Attach NIC to VM, Create DNS, Add RecordSet, Create NSG, Add security rule to NSG, Attach NSG to subnet, Verify NSG is applied
Hands on: Create internal load balancer, Create Public load balancer, Application Gateway, Implement the Azure Front Door Service, implement Azure Traffic Manager, Deploy and configure Azure Bastion Service
Hands on: Create a custom role for Azure Resources, Assign a role to configure access to Azure resources
Hands on: Add or delete users using Azure Active Directory, Add or delete tenants using Azure Active Directory, Create a basic group and add members, Applying Resource Locks
Hands on: configure and interpret azure metrics, configure Log Analytics, query and analyse logs, set up alerts and actions, create a Recovery Services Vault, Backing up and restoring a Virtual Machine
Hands on: Configuring and Deploying Azure Key Vault, Configuring and Deploying Azure AD MFA Fraud Alerts, Configuring and Deploying Azure AD MFA One-time Bypass
Hands on: Migrating Physical Servers Using Azure Migrate, Assessing Physical Servers Using Azure Migrate.
Hands on: Creating a Cosmos DB Account, Creating Global Distribution, Importing data from SQL Server using the Data Migration tool, Executing SQL queries on an existing database
Hands on: Creating an Azure table API database and perform query execution,Working with custom indexing, Working with User-defined Functions and Triggers, Creating an Azure Table API Database, Creating a Graph Database using cosmos DB, Importing Data from Table Storage
Handling Data migration based on provided architectural requirements
Using the Azure Migrate service, we will create and migrate Azure Virtual Machines. Creating Storage Accounts and Application Gateways for aiding Azure Migrate. We will learn how to create an architecture using the aforementioned services to migrate servers.
Implementing a New Architecture to the Company’s Website
Design an architecture according to the requirement provided for Application Gateway, Storage Accounts and Traffic Manager. Use Vnet to establish connection between two networks across regions. Use all the services provided to create an architecture which is highly available and resilient.
Building a dashboard to monitor your website
Using Azure Monitor and Azure Metrics, create a dashboard to monitor the company’s website which is hosted on a Web App. Using Log Analytics, Alerts and Actions, and Application Insights build a dynamic dashboard which can be used for investigating traffic spikes, correlating data and performing actions when an alert is raised.
Case Study 1 - Introduction to Cloud Computing
Solving the issue of not wanting the corporations’ confidential data on the cloud while migrating to Microsoft Azure. Here, all the resources are governed and track costing and billing is being performed separately. Furthermore, resource groups are accessed and managed.
Case Study 2 - Microsoft Azure Storage
The project involves solving latency issues and difficulty in accessing common files and tools and perhaps eases the upload of static content to azure storage. Here, the candidate will create and configure a CDN endpoint to serve the static files that have been uploaded. Create an Azure file share and upload the content within it thereby connecting a Linux and Windows server to the file share.
Case Study 3 - Azure Virtual Machines
Managing and automating the scaling requirements using custom images to create a Virtual Machine. Multiple and Identical Virtual Machines are also deployed using a custom VM image.
Case Study 4 - Microsoft Azure Networking
Creating a Vnet with multiple subnets and deploying Virtual Machines within it. Establishing a connection between these subnets and enabling the resources within them to communicate privately.
Case Study 5 - Load Balancing and Network Watcher
Setting up and deploying a load balancer for the backend resources so that a single front IP is exposed and all the web servers can be accessed from it. Additionally, a Network Performance manager and a network watcher must be set up in the Azure portal to generate alerts.
Case Study 6 - Access Management in Azure
Adding users to the organization’s custom active directory domain and providing access to some of the services managed by them. The password Authentication method and MFA must be set up with a verification option.
1.1 Managing Azure subscriptions
1.2 Assigning administrator permissions
1.3 Configuring Azure subscriptions
1.4 Utilizing and consuming Azure resources
1.5 Analyzing alerts and metrics
1.6 Configuring diagnostic settings
1.7 Monitoring unused resources
1.8 Utilizing Log Search query functions
1.9 Viewing alerts in Log Analytics
1.10 Managing resource groups
1.11 Configuring resource locks and policies
1.12 Moving resources across resource groups
1.13 Managed role-based access control (RBAC)
2.1 Creating and configuring storage accounts
2.2 Installing Azure Storage Explorer
2.3 Monitoring activity using Log Analytics
2.4 Deploying Azure storage replication
2.5 Exporting from and importing into Azure job
2.6 Azure Data Box
2.7 Configuring blob storage
2.8 Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN)
2.9 Creating Azure file share and file sync
2.10 Implementing Azure backup
2.11 Creating Recovery Services Vault
2.12 Configuring backup policy
3.1 Configuring VM for Windows and Linux
3.2 Configuring monitoring
3.3 Networking, storage, deploying and configuring scale sets
3.4 Modifying Azure Resource Manager (ARM)
3.5 Configuring VHD template
3.6 Deploying Windows and Linux VMs
3.7 Managing Azure VM
3.8 Automate configuration management with PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC)
3.9 Managing VM sizes
3.10 Moving VMs from one resource to another
3.11 Managing VM backups
3.12 Configuring VM backup
3.13 Performing VM restore
3.14 Azure Site Recovery
4.1 Creating connectivity between virtual networks
4.2 Creating and configuring VNET peering
4.3 Virtual network connectivity
4.4 Creating virtual network gateway
4.5 Implement and manage virtual networking
4.6 Configuring private and public IP addresses
4.7 Network routes and network interface
4.8 Configuring name resolution
4.9 Configuring Azure DNS
4.10 Configuring private and public DNS zones
4.11 Configuring Network Security Group (NSG)
4.12 Creating security rules; associating NSG to a subnet or network interface
4.13 Implement Azure load balancer
4.14 Monitor and troubleshoot virtual networking
4.15 Integrate on premises network with Azure virtual network
5.1 Managing Azure Active Directory (AD)
5.2 Managing Azure AD objects
5.3 Creating users and groups
5.4 Implementing and managing hybrid identities
5.5 Installing and configuring Azure AD Connect and managing Azure AD Connect
5.6 Perform bulk user updates manage guest accounts
5.7 Include password hash and pass-through synchronization
5.8 Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)
5.9 Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA)
6.1 Installation of DevOps Tools on cloud
7.1 What is Software Development
7.2 Software Development Life Cycle
7.3 Traditional Models for SDLC
7.4 Why DevOps?
7.5 What is DevOps?
7.6 DevOps Lifecycle
7.7 DevOps Tools
8.1 What is Version Control
8.2 Types of Version Control System
8.3 Introduction to SVN
8.4 Introduction to Git
8.5 Git Lifecycle
8.6 Common Git Commands
8.7 Working with Branches in Git
8.8 Merging Branches
8.9 Resolving Merge Conflicts
8.10 Git Workflow
9.1 Introduction to Docker
9.2 Understanding Docker Lifecycle
9.3 Components of Docker Ecosystem
9.4 Common Docker Operations
9.5 Creating a Docker Hub Account
9.6 Committing changes in a Container
9.7 Pushing a Container Image to Docker Hub
9.8 Creating Custom Docker Images using Dockerfile
9.9 What are Docker Volumes
9.10 Deploying a Multi-Tier Application using Docker Network
9.11 Using Docker Compose to deploy containers
9.12 What is Container Orchestration
9.13 Container Orchestration Tools
9.14 Introduction to Docker Swarm
9.15 Deploying a 2-Node Cluster using Docker Swarm
10.1 Need of Configuration Management
10.2 Configuration Management Tools
10.3 What is Puppet
10.4 Puppet Architecture
10.5 Setting up Master Slave using Puppet
10.6 Puppet Manifests
10.7 Puppet Modules
10.8 Applying configuration using Puppet
10.9 Puppet File Server
Hands-on Exercise –
11.1 What is Ansible?
11.2 Ansible vs Puppet
11.3 Ansible Architecture
11.4 Setting up Master Slave using Ansible
11.5 Ansible Playbook
11.6 Ansible Roles
11.7 Applying configuration using Ansible
Hands-on Exercise –
12.1 What is Continuous Testing?
12.2 What is Maven?
12.3 Running Test Cases on Chromium Web Driver
12.4 What is Headless Mode?
Hands-on Exercise –
13.1 Introduction to Continuous Integration
13.2 Jenkins Master Slave Architecture
13.3 Understanding CI/CD Pipelines
13.4 Creating an end to end automated CI/CD Pipeline
14.1 Introduction to Kubernetes
14.2 Docker Swarm vs Kubernetes
14.3 Kubernetes Architecture
14.4 Deploying Kubernetes using Kubeadms
14.5 Alternate ways of deploying Kubernetes
14.6 YAML Files
14.7 Creating a Deployment in Kubernetes using YAML
14.8 Services in Kubernetes
14.9 Ingress in Kubernetes
Case Study –
15.1 What is Continuous Monitoring
15.2 Introduction to Nagios
15.3 Nagios Architecture
15.4 Monitoring Services in Nagios
15.5 What are NRPE Plugins
15.6 Monitoring System Info using NRPE plugins
16.1 Overview of Azure on DevOps
16.2 Introduction to Azure Boards
16.3 Understanding Azure Repos
16.4 Use Azure Pipelines
16.5 Implement a code workflow in your build pipeline by using Git and GitHub
16.6 Run quality tests in your build pipeline by using Azure Pipelines
16.7 Manage build dependencies with Azure Artifacts
16.8 Host your own build agent in Azure Pipelines
16.9 Automate Docker and multi-container Kubernetes deployments with Azure Pipelines
16.10 Extend pipelines to add support for different deployment targets, such as Azure Functions
17.1 Installing Terraform – Windows Users
17.2 Installing Terraform – Linux Users
17.3 Choosing Right IDE for Terraform IAC development
17.4 Creating first EC2 instance with Terraform
17.5 Terraform Code – First EC2 Instance
17.6 Understanding Resources & Providers
17.7 Destroying Infrastructure with Terraform
17.8 Destroying Specific Resource
17.9 Understanding Terraform State files
17.10 Understanding Desired & Current States
17.11 Challenges with the current state on computed values
17.12 Terraform Commands – State Files
17.13 Terraform Provider Versioning
17.14 Types of Terraform Providers
17.15 Understanding Attributes and Output Values in Terraform
17.16 Attribute Resource (Document)
17.17 Referencing Cross-Account Resource Attributes
17.18 Terraform Variables
17.19 Data Types for Variables
17.20 Fetching Data from Maps and List in Variable
17.21 Terraform Format
17.22 Validating Terraform Configuration Files
Hands-on Exercise –
18.1 What is Infrastructure as a code
18.2 IaC vs Configuration Management
18.3 Introduction to Terraform
18.4 Installing Terraform on AWS
18.5 Basic Operations in terraform
18.6 Terraform Code Basics
18.7 Deploying and end-to-end architecture on AWS using Terraform
Hands- on Exercise –
Handling infrastructure solutions for Azure Cloud
As part of this project, you will handle the infrastructure solutions of Azure cloud for a company. You will be working with the architecture of Azure Infrastructure, optimization of the Windows Server Workloads, and connection between Azure AD and Windows AD. You will become familiar with infrastructure tools and portals, Azure Active Directory, Azure Virtual Machines, Windows PowerShell, and more.
Monitoring Azure Cloud For a BPO
You will be asked to manage Microsoft Azure infrastructure for an outsourcing firm. In this project, you will learn the intricacies of the Azure platform and handle the Azure infrastructure solutions. Configure, deploy, and manage storage solutions, work with Azure Virtual Machines, and manage Azure cloud deployment in real-time.
Containerizing Various Frameworks and NGINX Application Using Docker
You will learn to integrate the software projects deployed in diverse environments using Docker. This Docker project will familiarize you with Node.Js, MongoDB, NGINX, and ASP.NET. You will set up Node.Js on Docker container, pull NGINX image from Docker hub, and deploy PowerShell and Hyper-V.
1.1 Document data stores
1.2 Columnar data stores
1.3 Key/value data stores
1.4 Graph data stores
1.5 Time series data stores
1.6 Object data stores
1.7 External index
1.8 Why NoSQL or Non-Relational DB?
1.9 When to Choose NoSQL or Non-Relational DB?
1.10 Azure Data Lake Storage
2.1 Data Lake Key Concepts
2.2 Azure Cosmos DB
2.3 Why Azure Cosmos DB?
2.4 Azure Blob Storage
2.5 Why Azure Blob Storage?
2.6 Data Partitioning
2.7 Why Partitioning Data?
2.8 Consistency Levels in AzureCosmos DB
1. Load Data fromAmazonS3 to ADLS Gen2 with Data Factory
2. Working with Azure Cosmos DB
3.1 Introduction to Relational Data Stores
3.2 Azure SQL Database
1. Create a Single Database Using Azure Portal
2. Create a managed instance
3. Create an elastic pool
3.3 Why SQL Database Elastic Pool?
1. Create a SQL virtual machine
2. Configure active geo-replication for Azure SQL Database in the Azure portal and initiate failover.
4.1 Azure SQL Security Capabilities
4.2 High-Availability and Azure SQL Database
4.3 Azure Database for MySQL
1. Design an Azure Database for MySQL database using the Azure portal
2. Connect using MySQL Workbench
4.4 Azure Database for PostgreSQL
1. Design an Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Single Server
4.5 Azure Database For MariaDB
1. Create an Azure Database for MariaDB server by using the Azure portal
4.6 What is PolyBase?
4.7 What is Azure Synapse Analytics (formerly SQL DW)?
1. Import Data From Blob Storage to Azure Synapse Analytics by Using PolyBase
5.1 What is Azure Batch?
5.2 Intrinsically Parallel Workloads
5.3 Tightly Coupled Workloads
5.4 Additional Batch Capabilities
5.5 Working of Azure Batch
1. Run a batch job using Azure Portal
2. Parallel File Processing with Azure Bath using the .NET API
3. Render a Blender Scene using Batch Explorer
4. Parallel R Simulation with Azure Batch
6.1 Flow Process of Data Factory
6.2 Why Azure Data Factory
6.3 Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory
6.4 Mapping Data Flows
1. Transform data using Mapping data flows
7.1 What is Azure Databricks?
7.2 Azure Spark-based Analytics Platform
7.3 Apache Spark in Azure Databricks
1. Run a Spark Job on Azure Databricks using the Azure portal
2. ETL Operation by using Azure Databricks
3. Stream data into Azure Databricks using Event Hubs
8.1 Working of Stream Analytics
8.2 Key capabilities and benefits
1. Analyse phone call data with stream analytics and visualize results in Power BI dashboard
8.3 Stream Analytics Windowing Functions
9.1 What is Azure Monitor?
9.2 What data does Azure Monitor collect?
9.3 What can you Monitor?
9.4 Alerts in Azure
1. Create, View, and Manage Metric alerts using Azure Monitor
2. Monitor your Azure Data Factory Pipelines proactively with Alerts
9.5 Azure Security Logging & Auditing
1. Azure SQL Database Auditing
Create Azure Data Factory to Find the Most Popular YouTube Channel
Fetch the list of videos from the attached dataset of YouTube channel with the highest views and likes to promote advertisements on the channel which has maximum traffic. Through this project, you will acquire a better understanding of Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Lake, Triggers, SQL, Power BI, etc.
Working with Azure Data Factory, Data Lake, and Azure SQL
Create an automated solution, using which a company will be able to see a live dashboard of the lead count. You will make use of Power BI Heat maps, Azure SQL instead of On-Premise SQL, and Data Factory to automate the data lifecycle from SQL to the BI tool.
Identify the Videos That Get Maximum Traffic in Selected YouTube Channels
In this project, you will be asked to get the real-time list of maximum traffic fetching videos from YouTube channels. Automate the transformation of the real-time video list from YouTube channels on a weekly basis. The traffic can be analyzed on various parameters on a particular day. You can get publicly available data from the YouTube API.
Case Study 1 - Non-Relational Data Stores
This case study will check your knowledge of non-relational databases: categories and where to use them. You will be working closely with NoSQL or Non-Relational Database, Azure Data Lake Storage, and its key components.
Case Study 2 - Non-Relational Data Stores
In this case study, you will copy data from Azure Blob Storage to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2. You will also be asked to create an Azure Cosmos DB account and demonstrate adding and removing regions from your Database account. You will be using strategies for partitioning data and semantics of consistency levels in Cosmos DB.
Case Study 3 - Relational Data Stores
This case study includes relational databases, deployment models in Azure SQL, creation of an elastic pool, Azure SQL Security Capabilities, importing data from Blob Storage to Azure Synapse Analytics by using PolyBase.
Case Study 4 - Azure Batch and Azure Data Factory
This case study will help you understand the working of Azure Batch, the flow process of Data Factory, types of Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory, and transform data using Mapping Data Flows.
Case Study 5 - Azure Data Bricks and Azure Stream Analytics
To conduct this case study, you will be working on ETL Operation by using Azure Databricks, and Stream Analytics Windowing Functions. This case study will make you familiar with the working of Stream Analytics.
Case Study 6 - Monitoring & Security
This case study will give you an opportunity to create, view, and manage Metric alerts using Azure Monitor. You will be using Azure SQL Database Auditing. You will also implement Azure Security Logging & Auditing in this case study.
Introduction to Linux, Basics of Shell, Basics of Kernel, CentOS 8 installation and VBox additions, Basic Linux Commands, ECHO and EXPR command, Set and unset a variable, Header of a shell script (#!).
Hands-on Exercise – Executing basic Linux commands, Installing CentOS 8 on VirtualBox and adding guest additions to the installed OS.
Text editors and file creation; Users, Groups and Processes; Root and Linux file hierarchy, Understanding file hierarchy, Understanding file permissions, chmod and chown commands, the LS command, Metacharacters, Editing a file using VIM, Displaying contents of a file, Copy, Move and Remove files.
Hands-on Exercise – Using VIM, Creating users and groups, Creating files and directories, Assigning file permissions and ownership using chmod and chown, Editing files in VIM.
Everything is a file in UNIX/Linux (files, directories, executables, processes), Process control commands (ps and kill), other process control tools (top, nice, renice).
Hands-on Exercise – Executing ps and kill commands on running services, Monitoring the OS using top.
What is shell scripting, Types of shell, Creating and writing a shell script, Changing the permission of the shell script, Executing the script, Environment variables, Defining a local and a global variable, User input in a shell script.
Hands-on Exercise – Creating a shell script, Writing and executing the shell script, creating a local and a global variable, taking input from the user in a shell script.
What are Conditional statements, Using IF, IF-ELSE, Nested IF statements, What are Looping statements, Using WHILE, UNTIL and FOR statements, Using the case…esac statement, What is a Function, Creating a function in Linux, Calling functions.
Hands-on Exercise – Executing IF, IF-ELSE, Nested IF statements, Executing WHILE, UNTIL and FOR statements, Executing the case…..esac statement, creating a function in multiple ways, calling a function in a file, calling a function from another file.
Using GREP command, Using SED command, Using AWK command, Mounting a file to the virtual box, Creating a shared folder (mounting a folder), Using SORT command and Using pipes to combine multiple Commands.
Hands-on Exercise – Executing commands using GREP, Executing commands using SED, Executing commands using AWK, Mounting a folder in the Windows OS to the Linux OS, Installing VirtualBox guest additions on CentOS 8, Extracting zipped files.
What are Daemons, Introduction to Task scheduling in Linux, Scheduling a job in Linux, What is Cron and Crontab, How to use cron, Using the AT command.
Hands-on Exercise – Starting, Stopping and Restarting Daemon processes, Scheduling jobs using cron and crontab, Scheduling a one time task using AT, Managing scheduled tasks using ATQ and ATRM.
Why monitoring, Introduction to process monitoring, Top vs HTop, What does PGREP do, Introduction to file and folder monitoring, Monitoring tool inotifywait, inotifywait options for folder monitoring, Events of a folder in inotify, the FREE command.
Hands-on Exercise – Using Top to moniter the OS, Installing Htop, Using Htop to monitor the OS, Filtering and sorting using Htop, Installing inotify tools, monitoring a folder using inotifywait, monitoring a folder only for certaing events, using the FREE command.
Installing and configuring MySQL, Securing MySQL, Running Queries from terminal, Running Queries from a shell script.
Hands-on Exercise – Downloading and installing MySQL, Connecting to MySQL from terminal, Querying directly from the terminal, Pushing the query result inside a file, CRUD operations from a shell script.
What is networking in Linux, Why do we need networking, Using networking commands – IFCONFIG, PING, Wget and cURL, SSH, SCP and FTP, Learning Firewall tools – iptables and firewalld, DNS and Resolving IP address, /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname, nslookup and dig.
Hands-on Exercise – Executing all the networking commands, Using iptables and firewalld, Adding and removing ports, Resolving IP address in /etc/hosts, looking into a websites IP and nameservers using nslookup and dig.
Project: Installing WordPress on Centos7
Industry: Internet related
Problem Statement: How to install LAMP stack on Centos7 and creating a database for WordPress
Topics: In this project you will be working on creating your account on WordPress (with Database), then flush it using Flush Privileges and Install a PHP Module. We can get that package directly from CentOS’s default repositories using yumand also we will install and update the WordPress for the latest Template & Formats.
What is Cloud computing, need for Cloud computing, the first Cloud computing platform – AWS, how AWS evolved, the beginning of other players in the Cloud domain like Azure and Google Cloud Platform.
How organizations are benefitting from Cloud computing, the example of Netflix and how it changed its business model and benefitted from AWS Cloud platform.
It is a multidisciplinary method encompassing contributions from diverse areas such as systems, software, web, performance, information technology engineering, security, platform, risk, and quality engineering.
The architecture of Cloud computing solution, front-end, back-end, Cloud-based delivery, network, security mechanism.
The lifecycle of a Cloud service like the acquisition, operation and termination of the services.
Analysis of existing services for successful transition to the AWS Cloud, application transformation through Cloud adoption, seamless application transformation.
How to setup a Cloud environment, setting up a private Cloud infrastructure, what are the aspects to consider and so on.
Choosing the right Cloud service provider depending on the needs like cost, security, uptime and so on.
Working in a Cloud ecosystem, ensuring all the systems and processes in an organization are in sync with the Cloud ecosystem.
The various types of services that are offered as Anything as a Service, these could be computing, networking, storage or any other service that is offered to the customers based on pay as you go model.
Deploying the right Cloud solution architecture to guide you to design and build the right Cloud solution, choosing the right architecture from conception, delivery, maintenance and releases.
Evaluating a IaaS solution architecture, how to write a IaaS solution architecture, developing a IaaS business case, migrating to the Cloud, legacy transition and transformation of Cloud service.
Evaluating a PaaS solution architecture, how to write a PaaS solution architecture, developing a PaaS business case, migrating to the Cloud, legacy transition and transformation of Cloud service.
Evaluating a SaaS solution architecture, how to write a SaaS solution architecture, developing a SaaS business case, migrating to the Cloud, legacy transition and transformation of Cloud service.
Project 1: Firewall Implementation
Domain: Security
Problem Statement: As a Cloud Engineer of a company, implement firewalls of Azure and secure the data of your organization
Topics: Cloud models, usage metrics, and Azure firewalls
● Adapting cloud models
● Understanding the usage of metrics
● Implementing Azure firewalls
Project 2: Updating Cloud Services
Domain: Cloud
Problem Statement: Update the cloud services to store the data of your company
Topics: Availability zones, Azure TCO, and multi-factor authentication
● Using availability zones
● Implementing Azure TCO
● Performing multi-factor authentication
As part of our eLearning program, you will be practically involved in various projects and assignments, which include Realtime Project Scenarios as well. This gives you realtime practical industry exposure.
VoiSAP’s certificate will be issued once you successfully complete the training which includes practicals, assignments and quiz.
VoiSAP’s certification training is recognized by more than 500 top MNCs, including CGI, Accenture, Walmart, Amazon, IMAX, Sony, RBC, HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank, IBM, Infosys, Lafarge, TCS, and many more.
Voisap’s master’s course is a structured learning path specially designed by industry experts which ensures that you are transformed into an Azure expert. Individual courses at Intellipaat focus on one or two specializations. However, if you wish to master Azure, then this program is for you.